Donations to LNIA:
Now you can make easy online donations to LNIA using our new online payment tool. CLICK HERE FOR THE NEW PAYMENT TOOL
Family Membership:
Family membership in the Lake Nottely Improvement Association is $20 per year.
Apply online by CLICKING HERE, or download the .pdf (below) to print and mail to us.
Activities include regular educational meetings about TVA, the lake environment, boating safety, Union County community and other topics of interest.
We have lakeshore clean-ups every spring and fall to remove trash and debris. And, we have dedicated volunteers who remove debris on a weekly basis using our boat – NADA. We have lake improvement projects such as benches, signage, fishing line recycle bins and other projects in cooperation with DNR, TVA and Union County, i.e. creating fish habitat structures.
There are many fun activities including picnics. Two covered dish picnics are held each year and LNIA provides the main course. The first is in June and the second is held at the end of summer.
An annual newsletter is sent to all members. Periodically, we send out LNIABlasts via email addressing current issues and reminders. We maintain a web site with topics of interest to our organization. We have a large, knowledgeable membership for responding to queries regarding the lake and its environs.
Apply online by CLICKING HERE, or download the .pdf (below) to print and mail to us.
Activities include regular educational meetings about TVA, the lake environment, boating safety, Union County community and other topics of interest.
We have lakeshore clean-ups every spring and fall to remove trash and debris. And, we have dedicated volunteers who remove debris on a weekly basis using our boat – NADA. We have lake improvement projects such as benches, signage, fishing line recycle bins and other projects in cooperation with DNR, TVA and Union County, i.e. creating fish habitat structures.
There are many fun activities including picnics. Two covered dish picnics are held each year and LNIA provides the main course. The first is in June and the second is held at the end of summer.
An annual newsletter is sent to all members. Periodically, we send out LNIABlasts via email addressing current issues and reminders. We maintain a web site with topics of interest to our organization. We have a large, knowledgeable membership for responding to queries regarding the lake and its environs.
Corporate Membership:
Corporate membership is only $50.00 per year, payable at the beginning of each calendar year. Members who join in the fall or later will be considered paid through the end of the following year. Apply by mail by downloading the .pdf file (above), or by CLICKING HERE to apply via our secure, encrypted payment portal. Members receive the following benefits:
- Your corporate logo and a live link to your website are featured on corporate membership page.
- All newsletters list the corporate member’s name and EMAIL BLASTS highlight members.
- Newsletters mailed to each corporate member and sent by email to everyone on our mailing list.
- Each corporate member will be recognized at the LNIA annual meeting (in June).
- LNIA members promote corporate member businesses whenever possible.
- Members are a part of protecting and enhancing one of Union County’s greatest resources.